CHARACTER DESIGNS for the short film “FreeLance” (Working title) directed by Luciano Munoz 2020
My friend Luciano approached me in late 2020 to develop the characters for his short film. I initially did some sketches and once he decided on a character I made a concept painting of it. We are still in the process of slowly creating the world and the characters during our spare time. The project’s style is inspired by UPA style of the 60s and 70s and by the animation of Tumblehead Animation Studios which we are big fans of. Here is the protagonist - a little knight:

Here are some snobby king development sketches and a design for his castle:

And a few dragon development sketches - the project is progressing very slowly since we both have fulltime jobs :)

CHARACTER DESIGNS for Mental Health 2023
A while ago I gave myself the challenge of visualising feelings, and I wanted to explore what shape/colour/design a feeling would have. Pixar already did this in 2015 and mine are not nearly as pretty as theirs, but I still learned a lot from this. Considering how important mental health is for our industry I drew Anxiety, Burn-Out and Self-Doubt.

CHARACTER DESIGNS for the short film “Plot Twist” directed by Rodrigo Costa
Over a course of a couple of months I sat together in the weekends with my friend Rodrigo to develop the characters for his short film. I also oversaw the modelling of the characters in the initial stages by doing drawovers for the modellers. The 3D Models of the buff guy (Buffy), the knight (Elrick) and the pig (Waldi) were done by Aaron Hunwick. You can see the finished coloured designs and the finished 3D models that Aaron made underneath. Below that block of pictures are some development sketches and explorations and finally the model draw overs. I like the process of finding the characters in 2D and 3D so I thought this would be interesting to show.
We developed the short film in our spare time and after getting a team together on Artella it caught some momentum. However, it unfortunately was never finished and we stopped working on it now.
In 2021 Aaron updated the 3D models of Elrick (the knight), Buffy (the buff guy) and Waldi (the pig), you can see them next to my character designs:

I also posed a few expressions with the Buffy rig. It has been updated since then but here you can see a work in progress:

Character Designs for the NFT Collection “The Collectoooooor” on the Solana blockchain
Invented and drew these for a Solana collection which you can watch here:

Various character designs

Character Designs for my Bachelorfilm “Parrot Away” (2015)
For my final year at The Animation Workshop in Denmark I worked in a team of 8 people storyboarding, designing, rigtesting, editing, rotoing and animating to produce this cult classic short film of a pirate and parrot. Down here you can see all the character designs I did for this film:

Character Designs for the project Quadruped (2013)
These are some designs I did for a Quadruped Project during the second year of the Animation Workshop. Working together with Ann Helen Rinnvar from the CG generalist class I helped design and animate this little lizard creature in Maya.

Character Designs for the short film “Change: Be an Innovasaurus” (2013)
These are some designs I did for a Commercial Project in the second year of the Animation Workshop. It was screened at Roskilde Festival. Working in a team, we had just learned 3D and had to put together this little fun short film.

Character Designs for the short film “Der Vogel” (2012)
These are some designs I did for the Short Short Film project in the first year of the Animation Workshop in Denmark. Working in a team we developed the story and characters and animated them in 2D.

Character Designs “Molly and the Monster” (2012)
These are some designs developed during a Character Design Class in the first year of the Animation Workshop in Denmark. We worked alone, not in teams, and pitched our designs in front of an audience.